Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One Year Later

Life has been crazy busy for us over the past month with work, kids and preparing for our Christmas vacation. I haven't had much time to keep this blog updated. I suspected that would happen, but not so fast. We really are getting back to where we were a year ago (all things considered). That being said, the thought that 'all this' could go away is never far from my mind. Instead of that being a negative thing, I choose to use that as a positive motivator and appreciate everything we do have and how truly blessed we are. We are blessed to have each other, we are blessed to have our kids, we are blessed to have our health (again), we are blessed to have fantastic and supportive family and friends both in our professional and personal lives. I am blessed to have found people through this blog that I wouldn't otherwise have had the opportunity to meet. Blessed by whom/what? I haven't figured that one out yet. I'm working on it, but in the mean time, I don't question...I just accept.

Last Saturday was Dec 13, one year from our diagnosis. We used the opportunity to celebrate with all those who have helped us this past year. We hosted a party and enjoyed the company of our friends until the late hours of the morning. In the depths of treatment, it was hard to imagine what Dec 13 2008 would look like. We couldn't have asked for a better anniversary.

We are taking a well deserved vacation over the Christmas holidays and there is a very good chance I won't be updating this blog until the New Year. So, let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday. Merry Christmas to my Christian friends, Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends, Happy Diwali to my Hindu friends, Happy Festivus to my Seinfeld friends, and Happy Holidays to all. Everyone, regardless of their belief system, can enjoy the warmth that family and friends bring this time of year. To my old friends with whom I've reconnected over the past year, to the new friends I have made via this blog, and everyone in between...a sincere thank you.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3 month check up

For the time being, part of our recovery process is being reminded every 3 months that we are cancer survivors. That reminder comes in the form of a combination of cat/pet/bone/brain/mri scans and/or mammograms. Over time, these scans will become less frequent and hopefully less nerve racking, but for the time being, they are often and stressful.

This week I am in Seattle on business and Linda had a cat and bone scan. As real-life begins again for us, scans and doctor appointments are not always 'convenient', as was this case this week. Christmas came a bit early this year and I received the good news today. All clear...again!

I really wished I could have been there this week for her but, at least from my point of view, cancer is becoming less a focus of our life and more an aspect of it. I think that is healthy. Our circumstances and mindset from last Christmas as compared to this Christmas could not be further apart.

Congratulations kick ass!