Throughout high school, I'd often spend my afternoons in detention as I couldn't seem to catch the 8am school bus. Throughout college, an 8am class surely meant an F for that course. I have crafted my career in such a way that my position allows me to come to work at 10am. For better or worse, my life has been shaped by my ability to sleep (and perhaps my inability to wake up). I am perfectly fine with that.
So what is the problem? I can't fucking sleep!!!
This is a recent occurrence but it is driving me crazy. My mind is a complete mess. I can't concentrate worth a shit. My OCD tendencies are accentuated. I haven't slept for more than 1 hour in a row for the past 3 weeks. My nights are filled with restless fits, crazy dreams, and sleep walking (I have slept walk/talked since I was a kid but it is now a nightly occurrence). I've tried green tea, melatonin, beer, and some stronger stuff. Nothing works. I suck at sleeping.
Nothing has really changed in my routine. The day-to-day stresses at work are about the same. I'm not doing anything differently than I have in the past. If anything, I have less stress in my life, considering the stresses of the past year. If I were to put on my Jr. Psychologist hat, is this some sort of post-traumatic-stress reaction? Who the hell knows? Maybe it'll clear up on its own, maybe not. All I know is that I *really* want a good night's sleep.
In all seriousness, if you have any thoughts on this subject, I would really like to hear from you. If you've had sleep issues, how did you deal with them? Did you figure out why you were having them? Were they stress related (conscious or subconscious)?