We have been to Disney several times in the past, but this time was particularily special. Next to Christmas, nothing gets Linda jazzed up like a family trip to Disneyworld. We had a really great time. I made a concerted effort to not stress out over the $4 cokes and $100+ meals and just enjoy our time together. I've always been a pretty easy going guy, but my short fuse temper usually gets the best of me. There isn't a better place to test those limits than a capacity crowd at Magic Kingdom on Christmas Day! By and large, I think my new found outlook on life helped me make it one of the most enjoyable family trips we've had.
Linda and I have a 1/2 marathon planned for April and that's our short term goal for 2009. That will give us somewhere healthy to focus our energies. Aside from that, a cancer-free 2009 and beyond would be nice too!
May 2009 bring you peace, love, and contentment.
I think my new found outlook on life helped me make it one of the most enjoyable family trips we've had.
Amazing what a little cancer trip will do for you, eh? Glad to hear that your family got to visit the magical place. Give Linda a hug from me, please.
Thanks Renee :)
I hope your radiation goes as smoothly as Linda's did. After your struggles with chemo, it should be a cakewalk (knock on wood).
Thanks for the great links to recent TN information. That vaccine looks promising. We see Linda's onc on the 6th and will surely mention it. She likely attended the SABCS as it is just down the road and she has presented there before.
I hope 2009 treats you and Vic well.
What a fabulously happy pic of you all, I'm so glad you had a great getaway in Disney!
Congrats to Linda on a clean mammogram, keep 'em coming. And Happy New Year to you all! I wish you both a healthy and very blessed 2009 John!
Thanks Jude.
I hope 2009 proves to be happy and healthy to you and your family :)
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