Friday, February 5, 2010

Nothing to report

All is going as planned, no complications at all.  Aside from some minor fix-up tweaks, the results are great.  We are eager to get going on a running/exercise plan once we are given the go ahead and Linda feels up to it.

This central Texas winter has been extraordinarily long and cold (by Texas standards) and we are anxiously waiting for spring/summer to arrive.  Life is good and it is full speed ahead :)


Jude said...

Now THAT'S what I like to hear! :-) Spring's not too far away now John!

Anonymous said...

Cured of TNBC!
I want to take this time out as a cancer survivor to encourage women out there still suffering from this with my story on how i got a cure. The sad news about it is that i was diagnosed on my 36th birthday in 2008 and with stage 3 TNBC which after i made research was a very aggressive form of cancer at that point i decided and told myself i was going to die and that the end has finally come. All my life i never thought of having breast cancer because i was very active and i worked out at the gym several times every week and my diet was okay. In my search for a cure after 6 years of diagnosis and even after chemo which i did twice spending thousands of dollars but to no avail, until a church member told me all about Dr Aleta a herbal doctor that specializes in treating TNBC, who could help me with a permanent cure, i doubted this at first but i later gave it a try following her methods and instructions. It took 3 months and after it all i felt normal but still went for diagnosis and i was clean today i am proud to say i am a cancer survivor no nodes and i am totally free the new diagnosis confirmed it. Do not die in silence or ignorance reach her on don't be shy just speak to her today.

Unknown said...

In 2011 at age of 29 years, I was told I had fibroid. My doctor, who did surgery to remove the fibroids in 2014, said that I had a lump in my stomach which was very big. I had experienced no pain whatsoever with this condition only a slight discharge which caused me to go to see the doctor in the first place. He operated a couple of weeks later and found that I had bilateral cysts and removed my right ovary which was 8" in diameter and was fully cystic and also removed what he could of the cyst that was on my left ovary, leaving me with what he described as a "fraction" of my ovary. They were diagnosed as chocolate cysts and he said that if I didn't have children within five years, it was unlikely that I would have any. I married in 2015, came in contact with Dr. Leonard's herbal medicine early last year and now gave birth to my daughter. I never had any problems again in this regard and he said that the herbal medicine would also help prevent any further fibroids and cysts from forming which I now believe am free from these ailment. This may give some hope to people who find themselves in a similar situation. I often wonder how many children I would end up with if I had two full working ovaries.