Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3 month check up

For the time being, part of our recovery process is being reminded every 3 months that we are cancer survivors. That reminder comes in the form of a combination of cat/pet/bone/brain/mri scans and/or mammograms. Over time, these scans will become less frequent and hopefully less nerve racking, but for the time being, they are often and stressful.

This week I am in Seattle on business and Linda had a cat and bone scan. As real-life begins again for us, scans and doctor appointments are not always 'convenient', as was this case this week. Christmas came a bit early this year and I received the good news today. All clear...again!

I really wished I could have been there this week for her but, at least from my point of view, cancer is becoming less a focus of our life and more an aspect of it. I think that is healthy. Our circumstances and mindset from last Christmas as compared to this Christmas could not be further apart.

Congratulations kick ass!

1 comment:

Jude said...

Good for Linda! That's the best news, and I hope the testing gets less frequent soon, and less stressful.

Hug her for me, John. :-)