Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Here we are...

Not much to say today. I've realized I'm a better raconteur than a color commentator. My mind is a mess right now so words of wisdom and insight are far and few between. I'm a bit scared of the next few days but more importantly, I am eager to get Linda through this. In all, the procedure should take about 6-7 hours with 2 days of 'intense' recovery followed by 3 weeks of at-home recovery. All things considered, Linda is in good spirits. She has received comfort from her 'sisters' who have been through this. It's tough, but nothing she can't handle, I'm sure of it. The other night, I asked her what she was doing, she said she was looking at some nice boobs on the computer. I replied that I've been looking at boobs on the computer for the past 20 years :)

Godspeed babe!

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